Heart Failure Manager

All-In-One Tracker: Symptoms, Fluid Intake, Weight, Medication Manager, and more.

Take control of your care

You can enjoy a better quality of life and prevent or reduce the number of hospital visits by making small changes in your daily routine.


Track symptoms, such as Swelling, Dyspnea (Shortness of Breath) and Fatigue and visualize the progression of their occurences through time.


Track your daily fluid intake. Set your limit as specified by your doctor. Tweak cycle start time with automatic fluid intake saving at the end of each cycle..


Track your daily weight for any abnormal changes. Enter your dry weight each month and compare your daily weight to your dry weight.


Search and store your medication list within the app. Configure the quantity, dosage and frequency as specified by your doctor. Monitor your daily compliance.

Other Features


Weekly evidence-based questionnaires that give you an outlook on your progression as well as an estimation of your NYHA Heart Failure class.


Automatically generated charts allow you to visualize your progress and better understand the relationship between your symptoms, weight, medication compliance and fluid intake.


Pie charts for symptoms show you the months where you're most symptomatic and likely to get hospitalized. This helps you seek intervention early on to avoid decompensation and hospitalization.